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💥 API versions

Currently we maintain the following versions of our public API:


Inside one API version we introduce only backward compatible changes.

The following changes are considered backwards compatible:

  • addition of new HTTP resources
  • support for additional method on existing HTTP resources
  • new optional attributes in a payload
  • previously required attributes in a payload being made optional
  • new attributes or elements introduced in an output

The following changes are considered backwards incompatible:

  • removal of a previously supported HTTP resource
  • an HTTP resource no longer responding to a previously supported HTTP method
  • a new required attribute in a payload
  • previously optional payload attribute now being required
  • a previously always present attribute an output that is now either optional or not present

v1 → v2 changes


Terminology changes

  • Product → Catalog Item
  • Detection job → Image Recognition Task
  • Detection job prediction → Image Recognition Result

Response on the image recognition result

More consistent and informative response for Image Recognition Results

Old responseNew response
"detections": {...},
"planogram": [...],
"postprocessingResults": {
"realogram": [...],
"shares": [...]
"uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"task_uuid": "5642ad1c-6ada-4d18-86e6-3cce085fba4b",
"image_url": "",
"duration": 3.5,
"created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"postprocessing_results": {
"realogram": [...],
"shares": [...]
"coco": {...},
"confidence_score": 0.98


On sync image recognition endpoint (/v2/image-recognition/{task_uuid}/sync-image), if the image processing takes longer than the timeout, the endpoint will return empty result and a 408 status code. However, the processing will continue running in the background.

To get an update on its status, use the /v2/image-recognition/tasks/{task_uuid}/results/{result_uuid} endpoint with provided result UUID.

Field naming

Switched from "camelCase" naming to "snake_case":


Changed cursor pagination to limit/offset pagination:

Also renamed collection array in the response to items.

Detailed changes


  • Pagination:
    • Added limit query parameter
    • Added offset query parameter
  • Changed response from array [...] to an object { "items": [...], "total": 0, "limit": 0, "offset": 0 }
  • Fields removed:
    • userId
    • planogramImageUrl
    • planogramAnnotations
    • planogramMatchPercentageThreshold
  • Field added user_uuid
  • Fields renamed:
    • createdAtcreated_at
    • updatedAtupdated_at
    • computeRealogramcompute_realogram
    • computeSharescompute_shares
    • productscatalog_items


See above.


Same response as in /v2/image-recognition/tasks/{task_uuid}/results/{result_uuid}


No changes.


  • Changed pagination from cursor to limit/offset:
    • Added offset query parameter
    • Removed cursor query parameter
    • Renamed field predictions to items
  • Renamed query parameters:
    • startDateTimestart_datetime
    • endDateTimeend_datetime
  • Renamed fields:
    • imageUrlimage_url
    • postprocessingResultspostprocessing_results
    • processingDurationduration
    • createdAtcreated_at
    • updatedAtupdated_at
  • Added field task_uuid
  • Renamed field prediction to coco, also changed field to contain object with coco formatted result instead of serialized string


See above.


  • Changed pagination from cursor to limit/offset:
    • Added offset query parameter
    • Removed cursor query parameter
    • Renamed field products to items
  • Removed field id
  • Renamed fields:
    • thumbnailUrlthumbnail_url
    • customIdcustom_id
    • containerTypecontainer_type
    • createdAtcreated_at
    • updatedAtupdated_at
  • Added query parameters to filter items by exact match:
    • name
    • custom_id
    • barcode


See above.


No changes.